ASTM D5110-98是關於臭氧監視器校正以及紫外光照射產生臭氧水平認證的的標準,標準後續所帶的數字為標準*新修改被采用的年份。出於版權保護原因,本文僅摘抄部分ASTM D5110-98英文標準,如需完整ASTM D5110-98內容請購買請垂詢客服人員。
1.1 This practice covers a means for calibrating ambient, workplace, or indoor ozone monitors, and for certifying transfer standards to be used for that purpose.
1.2 This practice describes means by which dynamic s
ASTM D5110-98是關於臭氧監視器校正以及紫外光照射產生臭氧水平認證的的標準,標準後續所帶的數字為標準*新修改被采用的年份。出於版權保護原因,本文僅摘抄部分ASTM D5110-98英文標準,如需完整ASTM D5110-98內容請購買請垂詢客服人員。
1.1 This practice covers a means for calibrating ambient, workplace, or indoor ozone monitors, and for certifying transfer standards to be used for that purpose.
1.2 This practice describes means by which dynamic s